Audio Restoration

For the last few years Bad Princess Productions have been taking on more and more audio restoration work. What started as a few requests to fix occasional breakup on a few obscure films has blossomed into one of our primary services.

We are proud to announce that in 2023 Bad Princess Productions provided audio restoration for the entire Bruce Lee at Golden Harvest Box Set from Arrow Video


A few examples of other titles we have provided audio restoration for:

Gamera, The Complete Collection - Arrow Video

Shaw Brothers: Shawscope Vol.1
Shaw Brothers: Shawscope Vol.2
Death Screams
Don't Go In the House
Girl's Night Out
Smile Before Death
Lady Morgan's Vengeance
The Blanchville Monster
The Third Eye
The Witch
The Executioner
House That Screamed
House by the Cemetary
Vengeance is Mine